The Transformative Force of Simple Actions

A family picking up litter
©2023 Ninon Dufrénois

When we created Globedwellers in 2022, our vision was clear: to create a global community of environmentally conscious citizens. Armed with beautifully crafted bags made from recycled materials and Laëtitia, a talented designer, we set out with the ambition to make a difference. However, the reality of immense plastic pollution in Asian countries threw us off course, challenging our initial zeal. But we came to understand the transformative force of simple actions.

The Transformative Force of Simple Actions
©2023 Ninon Dufrénois

Our enthusiasm faded when we confronted the overwhelming sea of plastic and the impossibility of getting rid of the rubbish we were collecting. It took its toll on our morale. This experience, coupled with a six-month setback due to an unfortunate accident, tested our resilience and resolve.

Despite the obstacles, our nomadic adventure continued. When we arrived in Greece, we were immediately captivated by the beauty of the coastline. A beauty marred by all kinds of plastic waste, water bottles, takeaway coffee cups, straws…

The Transformative Force of Simple Actions
©2023 Ninon Dufrénois

For us, the seas know no homeland; they represent a delicate global balance. Motivated by the desire to do more than just complain about the plastic problem, we decided to take action and collect rubbish every other Sunday. We are firm believers in the impact of small efforts. We discovered that an hour spent collecting rubbish could radically transform our environment.

Leading by example, we’ve seen the ripple effect first-hand. Last Sunday, a kid observed our initiative and gave us his sweet wrapper – a poignant testament to the adage that “actions speak louder than words”.

The Transformative Force of Simple Actions
©2023 Ninon Dufrénois

Our modest endeavor caught the attention of a Greek journalist, sparking an article on the imperative need for concrete action against plastic pollution. In the spirit of pioneers like Rosa Parks and the transformative power of a simple “no”, simple actions can indeed bring about monumental change.

Acknowledging that we cannot tackle everything alone, we remain dedicated to demonstrating that change is achievable—one Sunday at a time.

The Transformative Force of Simple Actions
©2023 Ninon Dufrénois

Beyond its environmental benefits, our initiative has become a rewarding exercise that fills us with pride – pride in being human and in taking responsibility for the world we live in. Our journey persists—from those initial bags to a broader impact—one piece of waste at a time.

“Be the change you want to see in the world” and together, let’s make a difference, no matter how small.

The Transformative Force of Simple Actions
©2023 Ninon Dufrénois

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